Holiplay Preschool Staff Capability Assessment Testing your knowledge and ability to fulfil your job role. Are you ready to to confirm how knowledgeable, capable and amazing you are....? 1 / 20 Select the correct qualified adult to child ratios for an Ofsted Registered preschool setting. One year olds 1:2 Two year olds 1:3 Three and Four year olds 1:6 or 1:12 of the practitioner is a qualified teacher with QTS One year olds 1:3 Two year olds 1:4 Three and Four year olds 1:8 or 1:13 of the practitioner is a qualified teacher with QTS One year olds 1:1 Two year olds 1:4 Three and Four year olds 1:8 or 1:15 of the practitioner is a qualified teacher with QTS 2 / 20 Why does Holiplay mandate that we conduct a fire drill a minimum of every 2 weeks? Staff and children need to confidently know the evacuation and registration process in the event of a fire emergency. The children get excited by noise of the fire alarm so it’s good to have a discussion around what it means. Mr Holiplay loves paperwork and the more records we have the better it makes the company look. 3 / 20 What must be risk-assessed before the children are allow outside to play? Outdoor play equipment, the sandpit and the scooters and tricycles only. Only the play equipment you intend to use. Every area of the outdoors space including toys and play equipment to ensure it is free from obvious hazards and to ensure the children’s safety. 4 / 20 Why are preschool children encouraged to play outside in all types of weather? It’s fun to get wet and muddy and preschool is all about fun learning so the wetter the better! Outdoor play helps children develop muscles, stamina, coordination, and balance. It also helps them learn about their bodies and how they respond to different stimuli and weather conditions. It’s good to expose children to the outdoors so they can pick up colds and germs that will help develop their immune system. 5 / 20 Child Focus Weeks are designed to do what? A Focus Week is a week when a group of children are selected to be the focus of attention, observation, assessment, planning and recording so that the Key Person can identify the learning needs and track a the child’s progress. Celebrate the achievements of a child one week in every term. To measure and record how well a child can maintain his or her focus during a sustained activity. 6 / 20 Why is it important to have a settling in period for a new child? A settling-in period is important for a new preschool child because it helps them get used to the setting and build a relationship with their key person. It helps the key person get used to the new child without being a distraction to the other children. Because the parent / carer needs to know they are on standby just in case their child gets a little distressed. 7 / 20 Why should we carry out a home visit where possible when registering a child for the first time? So that if we have concerns about the care and welfare of a child in the parent’s home we can make a referral to the MASH team / Early Help Team. Staff need to know that a child is coming from a good home. Preschool staff conduct home visits to build a stronger relationship with parents, gain insight into a child's home environment, better understand their developmental needs, and help the child transition smoothly into the nursery setting by addressing any potential anxieties, all while creating a positive first contact with the family 8 / 20 What is the role of the key person at a preschool? Making records on the child Focus Week sheets and providing daily feedback to parents. To be the designated person responsible for recording and reporting any safeguarding concerns around the child. Building relationships, Tailoring care, Supporting emotional needs, Observing progress, Helping children feel at home, Involving families 9 / 20 What is the role of the SENCo at a preschool? To be responsible for providing care for all of the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) within the setting. To be responsible for identifying children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and ensuring they receive the support they need. The SENCO's role includes coordinating support, advising colleagues, involving parents, liaising with professionals and supporting transition into other settings, such as mainstream schools. To make written reports on all of the children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) so that they can be successfully transferred to s special needs provision where they will care more suited to their needs. 10 / 20 What is planning in the moment? In contrast to 'topic planning', this approach involves completing the planning cycle in the actual moment rather than planning in advance. Momentary planning at the last minute when a staff member comes up with a great idea. Having a step by step plan for staff to follow on how best to engage with a child. 11 / 20 According to OFTED mandates, you must not refuse to look after a child or treat them less well than another child due to... the child presenting challenging behaviour. the child not attending the setting very often. the child’s race, home language, family background or gender, any disability or learning difficulty that the child may have. 12 / 20 True of false: Holiplay is a registered food business and regulated by the Food Standards Agency True False Not quite - you're going to have to think again! That's right and staff have to complete a Daily Food Diary for every day that we operate. 13 / 20 If an Ofsted inspector arrives unannounced onsite you must... politely ask them to wait in the reception area or outside the school gates while you check their credentials and let the Play Leader in Charge and Holiplay Director know. tell them that you were not expecting them and to please return another day. allow them to walk around and have access to the children unaccompanied by a Holiplay employee. 14 / 20 The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is responsible for... Advising childcare settings, schools and social care organisation on allegations made against an adult. Advising childcare settings, schools and social care organisation on allegations made against a child. Advising childcare settings, schools and social care organisation on what should be reported to Ofsted. 15 / 20 Who are the MASH Team...? The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub responsible for serious concerns raised about a child in a childcare, education or social setting. The Migrant Authorisation Statement Hub responsible for ensuring children and families are here in the UK legally. The Manage All Safeguarding Hiccups team responsible for ensuring staff manage safeguarding concerns in the correct way. 16 / 20 If you have a concern about a child you must. Complete a safeguarding incident form on Magic Booking and inform the Play Leader in Charge as soon as possible. Keep an eye on the situation and let a colleague know before you go home for the day. Tell the child that you care concerned about them and leave it at that. 17 / 20 Who is responsible for safeguarding children at the Holiplay setting? All staff members are responsible for safeguarding children at Holiplay. Only staff members with safeguarding training. The children are responsible for safeguarding themselves. 18 / 20 Which of these 2 images shows good body positioning? Image 1 Image 2 19 / 20 All exit gates and doors to and from the setting must... be closed at all times and only opened only by a Play Leader. open on hot days to allow the air to circulate around the building left ajar so that staff and children can make a quick escape in the event of a fire. 20 / 20 At Holiplay we never... shout at a child or group of children. have a stern word with a child about their poor behaviour. ask a child to sit out a reflect on their unacceptable behaviour. Your score is