/25 Holiplay Kids Club Staff Capability Assessment Testing your knowledge and ability to fulfil your job role. Are you ready to to confirm how knowledgeable, capable and amazing you are....? 1 / 25 1. At Holiplay you should only prepare food for the children if... you consider yourself to be chef in your own right and know your way around a kitchen. you are wearing a hairnet and apron. you have a food & hygiene training certificate or are under the direct supervision of a staff member with food & hygiene certificate. 2 / 25 2. What is the job purpose of a Play Leader? To let the children run the session, as long as they are safe. To watch the kids play. To lead by example, setting a high expectation for behaviour and encouraging children to participate in activities by actively engaging with them. 3 / 25 3. According to OFTED mandates, you must not refuse to look after a child or treat them less well than another child due to... the child presenting challenging behaviour. the child’s race, home language, family background or gender, any disability or learning difficulty that the child may have. the child not attending the setting very often. 4 / 25 4. What 3 things do you need to check when a new collector comes to collect a child. Check the authorised collectors list, ask for ID and then call the main account holder. Ask the child if they know this person and If they are happy to go with them, don’t worry about checking the name on the account because the child’s happy. Greet the collector, show them the list of names on the child’s account and ask who they are then allow the child to leave. 5 / 25 5. If an item of food has passed its use by date you must... discard of it straight away. give it to a vulnerable family to take home as we cannot serve it to children. still use it if it's only out of date by one day. 6 / 25 6. Holiplay Focus Activities are designed in-part to... make children smarter. teach children soft skills and knowledge about subjects that are interesting, important or topical. fill the time during long-winded sessions. 7 / 25 7. True of false: Holiplay is a registered food business and regulated by the Food Standards Agency False True Not quite - you're going to have to think again! That's right and staff have to complete a Daily Food Diary for every day that we operate. 8 / 25 8. Which of these 2 images shows good body positioning? Image 1 Image 2 9 / 25 9. At Holiplay we never... shout at a child or group of children. have a stern word with a child about their poor behaviour. ask a child to sit out a reflect on their unacceptable behaviour. 10 / 25 10. Who are the MASH Team...? The Migrant Authorisation Statement Hub responsible for ensuring children and families are here in the UK legally. The Manage All Safeguarding Hiccups team responsible for ensuring staff manage safeguarding concerns in the correct way. The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub responsible for serious concerns raised about a child in a childcare, education or social setting. 11 / 25 11. If an Ofsted inspector arrives unannounced onsite you must... politely ask them to wait in the reception area or outside the school gates while you check their credentials and let the Play Leader in Charge and Holiplay Director know. tell them that you were not expecting them and to please return another day. allow them to walk around and have access to the children unaccompanied by a Holiplay employee. 12 / 25 12. When a parent / carer arrives to collect their children, what must we do? Ignore the door someone else will get it and sign the child out. Someone’s talking to the parent/carer already so assume that they will feedback about the child’s behaviour, even though you sat them on a reflection time. Greet them with a smile, ask About their day and then feedback to them about what their child has done and how they have behaved. Always finish on a positive note. 13 / 25 13. What is the purpose of the 15 minute Grace Period before work? So staff can arrive, go to the toilet and get into uniform and have a pre session discussion on how the day is going to go so everyone is on the same page. Staff have 15 minutes for call in sick before shift. Staff have 15 minuets to come in sit on their phone with their headphones in. 14 / 25 14. When submitting a picture of the children in the briefing do you must.... Just select Yes - All children in photo have permission to feature online. Just select No - Some / All children in photo are exempt from featuring in promotional campaigns Check Magic Booking first to see who has consent to be photographed and shared. 15 / 25 15. Children with additional needs... do not have to follow the Holiplay 3R's. cannot attend Holiplay as staff do not have the relevant training. are always welcome at, Holiplay however we may need to implement a short-term care plan in consultation with the parent / carer to ensure that the setting is suitable for the child. 16 / 25 16. Being intentional in the set up of your session activities and resources means.... Setting up a play area with differentiated resources. Setting the area / resource up in a way that attracts, inspires and engages the children. Setting up a play area with lots of colourful resources. 17 / 25 17. All exit gates and doors to and from the setting must... be closed at all times and only opened only by a Play Leader. left ajar so that staff and children can make a quick escape in the event of a fire. open on hot days to allow the air to circulate around the building 18 / 25 18. Holiplay childcare services are governed by... Food Standards Agency Ofsted Information Commissioners Office 19 / 25 19. What type of physical contact with children is prohibited at Holiplay? Pinching, squeezing, spinning around, kicking, tripping, poking, sitting a child on your lap. High fives, fist bumps, elbow taps, handshakes. Patting on the back, ruffling of the hair, side hugs 20 / 25 20. The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is responsible for... Advising childcare settings, schools and social care organisation on allegations made against an adult. Advising childcare settings, schools and social care organisation on what should be reported to Ofsted. Advising childcare settings, schools and social care organisation on allegations made against a child. 21 / 25 21. A handful of children are talking during the register, how do you manage this? Sit the whole group on a group reflection time. Sit the individuals on a reflection time, when their time is up go and have a chat with them about their behaviour and what they need to do better next time. Take time away from the whole group's free play time. 22 / 25 22. Who is responsible for safeguarding children at the Holiplay setting? The children are responsible for safeguarding themselves. Only staff members with safeguarding training. All staff members are responsible for safeguarding children at Holiplay. 23 / 25 23. Why is it essential to go out of your way to speak to parents and carers during drop off or collection times..? Parents and carers need to know that their child's behaviour is not appropriate and if it persists they won't be allowed to attend the provision. To establish a positive relationship with the parents and carers building their trust and confidence in our ability to provide good quality care to their children. It's great to engage in adult conversation before and after a day of behaving like a child. 24 / 25 24. If you have a concern about a child you must. Complete a safeguarding incident form on Magic Booking and inform the Play Leader in Charge as soon as possible. Tell the child that you care concerned about them and leave it at that. Keep an eye on the situation and let a colleague know before you go home for the day. 25 / 25 25. The Holiplay 3R's stand for Respect, Resourcefulness, Resilience Respect, Responsibility, Reliability Respect, Responsibility, Resilience Your score is The average score is 93% 0% Restart quiz Exit